Sunday, October 5th, 2003 – Day 229

Sunday, October 5th, 2003 – Day 229

Got an message from Damo who traveled from Ireland to Australaia via Hong Kong to start his Round The World trip. Check out his site!!

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Jakarta – Java – Indonesia – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (05-10-2003)

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Jakarta – Java – Indonesia – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (05-10-2003)

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Jakarta – Java – Indonesia – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (05-10-2003)

I expected to get up early (7.00am) but failed. Alot of street noise last night and there is a Mosque opposite who belted out prayers at 5.00am this morning. I was up at 9.00am and had breakfast (free) of Nasi goreng (fried Rice) and a fried egg.

I got a bus from the main street to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah .

In the south-east of the city is a huge park, conceived by Mme Tien Soeharto in 1971 and opened in 1975. The idea – to represent the traditional cultures of Indonesia”s 27 provinces – promised to be a landmark to tackiness on a monumental and expensive scale. As it turns out, however, the 100-hectare (250-acre) park is pretty impressive, and is Jakarta”s most visited attraction. The display of 27 full scale houses features regional handicrafts and clothing. The houses are dotted around a lagoon, and can be reached by small boat or viewed from a cable car. Taman Mini also houses museums, theatres, restaurants, an orchid garden and a bird park. It’s 18km (11mi) from the centre of Jakarta, and can be reached by bus and metro-mini.

Its a bit of a distance. i had a choice of a air-con bus for 3,000 IR (no. 10 bus) or a non air-con for 1,500 IR (No. p.16 Bus). As it was hot I took the dearer option. It took nearly an hour to get to Kampung Station. from there I took a small orange coloured angelot bus to the attraction. this was a ten minute 2,000 IR ride. It was 6,000 Ir into the attraction itself.

I found that there were about thirty or so different (and I mean completely different) cultures represented. Each culture (island or part of island) was given its own little block which contained one or two structures and gardens in the represented architecture. The craftmahip was absolutely fantastic. On Sunday, different cultural shows are held in each different compound. I found these more interesting than the exhibits within the compounds. I spend three hours her, but you could easily spent the whole day. At the end it was time to move as it started to rain. As well as the compounds from all over Indonesia, there are about a dozen museums. I went to the transport museum, but there ae ones for the army, the electricity Board, Science etc. There is also a light rai system, cable car and train system to move around the 100 acre site. Massive and very popular (the most popular attreaction in indonesia).

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Jakarta – Java – Indonesia – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (05-10-2003)

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Jakarta – Java – Indonesia – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (05-10-2003)

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Jakarta – Java – Indonesia – Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (05-10-2003)

The exhibits representing sites further from Java were even more interesting and ornate. For example, the flambouyant style of the West Sumatra exhibit. Sumatera is Indonesia’s largest island, adjacent to Java to the northwest, and itself a multicultural experience (North Sumatera, West Sumatera, South Sumatera, and the remote province of Aceh were represented). Much of their architecture made elaborate use of straw and ornate, colorful patterns.

I headed back the way I came but took the non air-con bus. Its an easy journey once you know where to get off. My hotel is just 10 minutes from the main road where the bus moves.

It was now 4.30pm and the clouds were threatening. there was some thunder and lightening and by 5.00pm, the thunder storms had begun. They lasted on and off the rest of the evening.

I found an article in the Jakarta Post that says many Bali people do not support having a Bali Bombing anniversary on october 12th 2003. At least one religious writer Masrucitadewi, claimed that the Balinese, who are predominantly Hindu, had no tradition of commemorating the dead after the initial ceremony.

“When a Hindu man or woman dies, his or her family will hold a cremation and accompanying ceremony to spiritually transport the soul of the dead to heaven,” she said, while adding that would be the last commemmoration. In Javanese tradition, many people still hold a series of rituals following the death of a family member.

“But in Bali, it is almost forbidden to do that, even taboo,” she stated. If the Balinese Hindus hold any religious ritual for the Bali bombing, it would essentially mean inviting the souls of the dead back, but we strongly believe they would already be resting in peace, she theorized.

I found another Irishman with a great travel site. I like the way he has laid out the find. There are structures I might use in my own site.

tomoorow, I will trya nd find some DVD’s and visit some of the markets. This site has some excellent information about the markets. No luck so far. they expect all foreigners to want JIGGY JIGGY movies, the local euphemism for sex.

This evening it was raining very heavily. While it rained I watched Chelsea V Middlesbrough on TV. this rain seems to be part of the storms that have caused havoc in Malaysia.

More than 10,000 people have fled their homes after three days of incessant rain sparked massive floods in northern Malaysia

I see it’s official. The Brisbane Lions of 2001-2003 are the greatest team in the history of Australian Rules football after becoming the first team in the modern era to win three successive AFL premierships in September.

The Lions and coach Leigh Matthews gained immortal status by completing their hat-trick in style – thrashing Collingwood 20.14 (134) to 12.12 (84) at the MCG.

I bought a map of the city today. It was dear at 20,000 Ir but it is the size of my bed. People hve told me of different places to visit and but DVD’s but I had no idea where they were. With the map, along with a separate street index, I can find all the relevant streets and shopping centres.