Saturday the 1st of March 2003 – Day 11

Saturday the 1st of March 2003 – Day 11,

I took the Elizeu de Queiróz / Best Way Trips – Serra Verde Express Train.

Curitiba/Marumby/Marumby/ Paranaguá / Paranaguá /Curitiba (round trip)

Conventional. departure: 08:00 , arriving at 12:00 in Paranagua. Coming back 15:00 Paranaguá,arriving Ctba at 19:00.

The price was R$25.00. You could pay for the ticket at the train station (same as bus station). There website is BWT – Serra Verde Express. Some great views from the train. Paranagua is a major port, fishing area and jump off to some holiday islands. Lots of kids taking a week out before returnuing to school and university. Nice time there and rushed to catch the train back to Curtibita at 3.00pm. The train goes through deep jungle and is fameous in Brazil. All the way, butterflys were flying in and out of carriages and were all over the place. The smells were also excellent from the jungle, shrubs. Was nearly 19.00 hours when we rerached Curtiba.

Curitiba to Paranagua Train

Taken of the 1st of March 2003

Paranagua is a major port, fishing area and jump off to some holiday islands. It was an enjoyable trip and the train was quite empty so it was nice to relax, the windows down, the warm air, the smell of the flowers and tress. Waxing lyrical.This was a picture of the train before it departed from Curitiba.

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Curitiba to Paranagua Train

Taken of the 1st of March 2003

Look it, at the 3000 pictures on this blog, you will not find me in any more than six. I got sick of asking people to take my photo and it ruined the background scenery. I am wearing a DANGER! mines T-Shirt from Cambodia.

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Curitiba to Paranagua Train

Taken of the 1st of March 2003

A simple shot of the track amongst the forest.

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Paranagua Town

Taken of the 1st of March 2003

Paranagua Town was a nice place. Lots of vollege kids use this town as a staging post for some holiday Island off the coast where they all camp out. Its a nice place with plenty of old buldings and outdoor eating. Hd my first “Kaiser” beer which was decent stuff.

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Paranagua Train back to Curitiba

Taken of the 1st of March 2003

The scenery was quite nice. Theres very little jungle left on the east coast of Brazil so I am glad they are keeping this part.

Click on the picture to see it in its original size

Paranagua Train back to Curitiba

Taken of the 1st of March 2003

This picture was taken on the train abck that evening. The air was warm, dusk from coming, the air freah and sweet. I felt good that I had taken this journey. It might have been slower than Irish rail, and not funny if I was in a rush, but I wasnt. It was relaxing..

Click on the picture to see it in its original size