Day 4 – Saturday
The city is dead during weekends- Everybody heads to the beach and drinks at juice bars. No work is done in the city centre and shops close close early. They take their leisure time seriously. Everbody looking at everybody.
I had been told of a white knuckle ride with a difference – the Bondinho (the little tram). Catch it at the tram station on Rua Lelio Gama in the Centro district. The cost of this white knuckle ride is .60 (double return) real, Wooden seats, ropey suspension and open sides make for quite an exciting journey. Maybe because armed police ride them you as it travels close to a favela.Kids jump on the tramp as it going up a large hill. Watch your valubales but goes through an area that writers reside – St. threresa district. it has its own hospital, police staion , museum and beaquful ornate houses. If this was a favela, i have had the wrong impression. Take the metro (return ticket is 2.94R) – called a DUPLO. Went to Carioca station. Very clean and safe. Now 16.00 hours – going to grab a bite to eat.
Years ago, I could @Do@ 3 museums, a day. Now in this heat – 35 oC today – can really only do one serious tourist thing a day.
Rio de Janeiro
Kudos to those who recognised what this was. A cop car outside the hostel. They must ahve much deal with the owners as there were always cop cars coming and going for cofee etc. On any tours, an off duty cop usually came along i.e to football matches etc. Maybe in case of a bus jacking. It happens here. A bus full of cops (yes, its true) was jacked in September 2004. All their valuables were taken.
Click on the picture to see it in its original size